Welcome to the First United Methodist Church (FUMC) of Deposit. We are located in Deposit, New York; a small village in the outskirts of the Catskill Mountains. Deposit sits on the West Branch of the Delaware River, about thirty miles east of Binghamton, NY. Our church is part of the Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church.
As United Methodists we are called to make disciples for Jesus Christ. In keeping with this mission, we offer a number of opportunities for spiritual growth. Worship services begin at 10:30 a.m. EST on Sunday mornings in person and online. Our services feature a combination of traditional and contemporary music and lectionary components. We are blessed with an inspiring and talented Chancel Choir and a growing Junior Choir that provide music ministry. Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month. We have Sunday School for school age children during our church service and Bible Study on Wednesday nights.
Our congregation is warm and inviting. When you come to worship with us, we do our best to make you feel like one of the family. Each week there is a fellowship coffee hour after church in the social hall. All are welcome to attend and get to know us on a personal level.
Although we are a small congregation, we strive to make a large impact in our community. Some of the ways in which we reach out to others include: providing food for the local food pantry, hosting an annual dinner each Election Day, adopting families at Christmas for the local Toys for Tots, and performing a Christmas and Ecumenical Easter Cantata’s. We partner with other organizations and churches in Deposit to provide programs and services that benefit our community and beyond; such as friendship dinners, blood drives, and various classes (i.e. Exercise, English as a New Language [ENL]). We are always looking for new ways to grow in our ministry to serve both our community and those in need.
All are welcome to join us at any of our services or activities. You will be inspired, encouraged, and empowered by the transforming love of God through Jesus Christ. Come and be our guest. We’ll leave the light on!
My name is Pastor Debra Arnold I am in my 7th year as the pastor of the FUMC of Deposit. It has been both a challenge and a blessing to serve this church. The global pandemic and the divisive times in which we live, certainly made for an interesting time to be a pastor. While these have been challenging times it has brought many blessings to our church. We were able to renovate our kitchen to better serve our community, put in a sound system to provide both better sound quality and a way to have an online presence. As the pastor of this church it is my goal for everyone who walks through our doors to feel welcomed, and embraced with love, in a way that points them to a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. I believe when we stand together as believers in Jesus Christ and seek him first in all we do we will always find a way to walk in unity with each other.
I hope you will consider joining us for worship each week either online or in person to bring praises, honor and glory to God.
Pastor Deb